Well, last week was a whirlwind of back to school, new school and Scout camp, and the sad passing of our Queen Elizabeth II.
So, new term and new school. Reading is at the forefront of my third son’s secondary school, and he is heading off each morning with a new book. I think he’s currently reading Captain Underpants again but it’s all a bit of a blur in the mornings.
I am back with avengance to the Markets, planning for the dreaded C******** word and my eldest heading off to university (not sure I’m ready for that – she’s still a baby, right?)
The biggest thing last week was a trip to Beaudessert Scout Camp in Staffordshire. Zip wires, raft building, Tomahawk throwing and campfires it was quite the experience as a parent. We didn’t camp out with them, but we did enjoy the story of Cecil the Caterpillar who ate all the cabbages in the world (and then was promptly sick) and smores around the campfire. The raft building exercise involved building rafts that capsized and the Scouts and leaders ending up in the murky waters, not forgetting the resident “crocs” left behind by previous victims! As for the Tomahawks, well, never have you seen anything so competitive with the Tomahawks replaced with squeaky chickens causing much hilarity.
I am now looking forward to getting back into the routine of school runs, housework, markets and planning, as well as getting stuck into a few good books. I am encouraging the members of my Facebook group Bizy Lizy Books, Cards and More… | Facebook to pop a picture in the group of good reads and a mini review so we can keep up to dates with good reads.
Off to book club now, catch up with you next week…